Wednesday, January 14, 2009


nothing much to talk about daily routine in blog...and seems like so long time din update so i thought of something to share here...
about strawberry...
mainly because i like to have strawberry flavour for most of the food n drinks...
i like
-strawberry milkshake..
-strawberry jam (especially from cameron highland one)
-strawberry ice cream (these day i am addicted to the cornetto strawberry ice cream,i dunno the actual name for it,first cornetto strawberry got from Sophia when we were heading to Port dickson last month,and i love it very much since i first eat it..if in giant or tesco,i prefer to have the magnolia strawberry ice cream,if is baskin robin i prefer very berry strawberry +banana.....)
-strawberry cake

hmmmm S-T-R-A-W-B-E-R-R-Y!!!!

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